
Safety Center

Mooth is dedicated to fostering genuine connections. We have a zero-tolerance policy for cyberbullying and threats, taking extraordinary measures to ensure a safe community for all.

24/7 Moderation Team

Our dedicated team of human moderators operates around the clock, promptly reviewing user reports. Any individuals behaving inappropriately or violating our Community Guidelines are swiftly banned from the app.

Machine Learning

Mooth employs cutting-edge machine learning technologies to identify users who violate our policies or engage in inappropriate behavior, enhancing the safety of our platform.

Empowering Users

Mooth is self-governing, giving users the ability to report inappropriate content with a simple tap. Our moderation team reviews reports promptly, putting the power in the hands of our community.

Community Guidelines

Our community guidelines clearly define what content is considered inappropriate. This includes material that is explicitly sexual, violent, or intended to cause harm to individuals or groups.


For users or parents seeking assistance or addressing issues on Mooth, our contact page is available for reaching out. If you believe you’ve witnessed illegal activity, please use our contact page to inform us. We collaborate with law enforcement to swiftly resolve situations.

Bullying Reporting

If you encounter bullying on Mooth, we encourage you to report the user. In the United States, if you’re in crisis or distress, you can text HELLO to 741741 for free, confidential support from a trained crisis counselor at Crisis Text Line, available 24/7. Your safety and well-being are our utmost priorities at Mooth.

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